Episode 155: Transforming Negative Self-Talk Through the Use of Affirmations Insights from Denise Arnoudse

Hey Mamas!

In this episode we dive into the world of rewiring your mind for success. Our special guest, Denise Arnoudse, is an ADHD/Anxiety Business Coach who specializes in using affirmations to help individuals overcome obstacles and create thriving businesses and balanced lives. For anyone who's ever wondered if their unique qualities could be harnessed for success, this episode is a must-listen.

Denise begins by addressing the universal question that many working moms grapple with - "What does it look like to be a working mom?" She emphasizes the importance of reimagining what this life could be and reworking the thoughts in our minds about what it looks like to balance both motherhood and a successful career.

One key takeaway from this episode is the significance of setting boundaries early on, even before motherhood, or any life-changing event for that matter. Denise points out that these boundaries can make all the difference in maintaining a balanced life.

Denise advises listeners to give themselves the time and permission to take a pause and analyze their situations. This introspection not only helps in making more informed decisions but also saves a considerable amount of time and energy in the long run.

A central theme of this episode is the transformative power of affirmations. Denise discusses how self-talk and affirmations can help reshape our mindset. They allow us to stand for our unique qualities and rewrite the script of our lives, especially when dealing with conditions like ADHD and anxiety.

Denise emphasizes that incorporating affirmations into your daily routine may feel unnatural at first, but it gets easier with practice. Over time, talking to and with yourself in a more positive perspective becomes more natural, helping to unlock your true potential.

In this episode, Denise Arnoudse offers invaluable insights into creating a thriving business, even for those with ADHD and anxiety. By redefining what it means to be a working mom, setting early boundaries, and incorporating affirmations into your daily life, you can chart a path to success that aligns with your unique strengths and circumstances. Don't miss this opportunity to rewire your mind for success and tune in to the full episode.

>> Fourth Trimester Affirmation Deck

>> My Favorite Affirmation Deck

Connect more with Denise Arnoudse:

Website: theADHDBusinessOwner.com

Facebook: TechnicallyDenise

Instagram: technicallydenise

LinkedIn: Denise Arnoudse

Facebook Group: Facebook Group

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Email: enteringmotherhood@gmail.com

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