Episode 163: The Power of Personalized Support in Motherhood

Hey Mamas!

Hello, fellow mothers and listeners! I'm Sarah Marie Bilger, your guide through the transformative journey of motherhood. As a mechanical engineer, doula, and a mom of two, I've experienced firsthand the challenges and triumphs that come with this significant life transition. In this episode we delved into the critical role of support during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Understanding the Unique Needs of Every Mother

Motherhood is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Each of us has our own set of needs, desires, and circumstances that shape our journey. In the podcast, I emphasized the importance of individualized support—a concept that is often overlooked in the birthing community. While healthcare providers do their best, the reality is that they manage a large volume of patients, which can limit their ability to offer detailed, personalized care.

The Spectrum of Support

Support comes in many forms, and it's essential to recognize the variety of resources available to mothers. From partners and family members to external professionals like chiropractors, pelvic floor therapists, and doulas, the support network is vast. I shared a story about a friend who hired a postpartum doula for her second baby, which made a significant difference in her family's life by providing the specific support they needed.

Listening to the Community

I love engaging with my audience, and a recent poll from my Instagram stories revealed a strong preference for one-on-one support. This feedback underscores the value of tailored attention and the recognition that each person's support needs are distinct. It's crucial for mothers to reflect on what type of support resonates with them the most.

The Art of Being Heard and Trusted

One of the most poignant pieces of feedback I've received is the importance of feeling listened to and trusted. Mothers often face generational differences and varying perspectives on motherhood, which can make it challenging to find support that aligns with their choices. It's about feeling supported without the need for constant justification of one's decisions.

Communication: The Key to Tailored Support

Direct communication is vital in establishing the kind of support a mother needs. Whether it's through physical touch, words of affirmation, or visual motivational tactics, expressing preferences is essential. I always encourage my clients to be clear about what support means to them and to communicate these needs to their support network.

The Impact of Intentional Support

Being intentional about seeking and providing support can lead to empowerment and confidence, enhancing the overall motherhood experience. I invite my listeners to join the conversation on Instagram, where we can dive deeper into discussions about motherhood and life.

Join the Conversation and Empower Your Journey

If you're new to the Entering Motherhood podcast, I encourage you to subscribe and join our community of over 160 episodes. We're here to provide you with the resources and support you need to make informed choices for you and your family. Remember, you are all rock stars, and I believe in you. Let's elevate our motherhood experience together. Share this episode, reach out with your thoughts, and let's connect. I'm excited to catch up with you all next week, as we continue to explore the many facets of motherhood.

Thank you for being part of this journey, and see you later, mamas!

LINKS (some may be affiliates)

>> First Trimester Nutrition Guide

>> #1 FREE Postpartum Download

Don't miss out on our comprehensive Birth Preparation Workbook covering topics from mindset, movement, and what to expect.

Hypnobabies is a great tool to use hypnosis when preparing for childbirth. Use the code MOTHERHOOD20 to receive 20% off today!

Truly fuel your body with FOND Bone Broth a verified regenerative by land to market company dedicated to serving you rich and handcrafted items. Use code ENTERINGMOTHERHOOD for 10% off.

Looking to become a doula yourself and get into birthwork? Check out the Online Doula Training Program to get started on your path today.

Become certified through Postpartum University and help clients learn more about how to nourish their bodies in the postpartum period.

Want a baby carrier you can snuggle your baby tight in? Check out LoveHeld for their handwoven ring sling carrier you'll be sure to love.

In need of nursing tops and postpartum items? Kindred Bravely is the place to shop for all of your attire needs and more. 


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