Episode 162: A Stay-at-Home Mom Chasing Personal Passions with Danielle LaShawn

Hey Mamas!

In this episode, we explore a mother's transformative journey from initially feeling suffocated as a stay-at-home mom to discovering the importance of self-permission and pursuing personal fulfillment.

Emphasizing the idea of starting somewhere and following our instincts, we delve into the significance of self-discovery, acknowledging that our initial explorations may lead us to unexpected places. Our guest, Danielle LaShawn McKnight, advocates for giving ourselves permission not to share every detail of our lives. She encourages processing certain aspects privately, fostering autonomy and personal space.

Anticipating challenges beyond the baby stage, Danielle prompts early exploration into the evolving landscape of motherhood. This involves managing constant stimulation, questioning, and the ever-present need to be there for our growing children. The episode underscores the importance of setting boundaries and understanding personal needs to navigate the delicate balance between motherhood and personal pursuits.

Addressing the common struggle of leaving children for short periods, the episode encourages mothers to overcome initial fears. It highlights that both parties not only survive but thrive during these moments apart. The discussion shifts to the non-linear nature of success, emphasizing the importance of pivoting, prioritizing, and focusing on specific goals.

Listeners are reminded of the value of intentional goal-setting and the creation of set plans to achieve desired outcomes. By eliminating guesswork and incorporating plans into daily life, a sense of normalcy can be established, making the pursuit of goals more manageable.

In summary, this episode serves as an inspiring exploration of the complexities of motherhood, advocating for self-discovery, setting boundaries, and pursuing personal goals. Listeners are invited to embrace the journey, recognizing that success is not a straight line, and that pivoting can lead to a more fulfilling and intentional life.

>> Online Doula Training Program

Connect more with Danielle LaShawn McKnight:

TikTok: daniellelashawn__

Youtube: Danielle Lashawn

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Instagram: entering_motherhood

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Services: Birth and Postpartum Services

Email: enteringmotherhood@gmail.com

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Episode 163: The Power of Personalized Support in Motherhood


Episode 161: How to Holistically Prepare for Childbirth from a Doula