Episode 19: Prioritizing Yourself as a Busy Mama with Layne Stowell


In this episode we speak with Layne Stowell who is a health coach who specializes in busy mamas who are looking for ways to prioritize their health. We discuss our own personal struggles of dealing with toddlers and newborns and how it’s still important to find time for ourselves.

Layne is a mom of two herself and was diving into health ever before her kids but noticed just how much help us mamas need and discovered ways that she was finding to improve her own health so she was set on sharing that with others and helping fellow mamas along the way in an absolutely fun and supporting way.

We talk about habit stacking and also about how these new ways of improving yourself should be realistic and something you can maintain for years to come. We know there are so many different products and methods floating around and how hard it can be to know which is right but listening to yourself and understanding your body and what you’re capable of incorporating into your life is key. Also, understanding that you deserve this and you are worthy of having a healthy lifestyle.

She is just such a fun person to talk to and she’s super passionate about health and being a mama. If you loved this episode and enjoyed hearing this conversation please share with a friend and feel free to reach out to her and let her know you heard her on the podcast.

Contact Layne Stowell:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laynestowell/


Episode 20: Finding the Right Words to Say to a New Mom with Sarah Weeger


Episode 18: Preparing for Mother’s Day as a Motherless Mother