Episode 168: Co-creating a Harmonious Parenting Environment with Mikki Gardner

Hey Mamas!

In this episode we talked with Mikki Gardner, who is not only a certified life and conscious parenting coach but also the voice behind the "Co-Parenting with Confidence" podcast and the author of "The People Pleaser's Guide to Co-Parenting Well." As a mother to a 13-year-old son, she brings a wealth of knowledge and personal insight to the table.

Our conversation dove into the essence of co-parenting, a term Mikki redefines to encompass all parenting partnerships, not just those that arise from separation or divorce. She illuminated the importance of handling disagreements and conflicts in ways that build connection and growth for both parents and children.

Mikki opened up about her own journey into motherhood, sharing the emotional toll it took on her and the realization of how her stress affected her ability to breastfeed. Her vulnerability shed light on the common struggle many mothers face in seeking balance and alignment in their lives.

The Myth of the Supermom

Together, we tackled the societal pressures that push women to "do it all" and the unrealistic expectations placed on modern mothers. We discussed the necessity of self-compassion and the power of making intentional decisions that resonate with our values, especially during the various seasons of motherhood.

Three Steps to Empowered Co-Parenting

Mikki generously shared her three-step approach to developing adulting skills that can positively transform co-parenting dynamics:

Awareness: Recognizing triggers and emotional reactions.

Agency: Understanding and exercising choices in any given situation.

Aligned Action: Taking responsibility for actions that reflect personal values and priorities.

The Journey to Self-Awareness

I reflected on the significance of awareness in navigating the complexities of relationships and parenting. Mikki delved into the societal and generational conditioning that often influences our behaviors, underscoring the need for conscious parenting and self-reflection.

Parenting in the Public Eye

We discussed the challenges of parenting in public spaces and the judgments that often come with it. Mikki stressed the importance of focusing on our emotional responses and triggers, rather than solely on our children's behavior.

The Essence of Conscious Parenting

The concept of conscious parenting, as Mikki explained, is about self-repair and personal growth. It's about aligning our emotions and values to foster deeper connections with our children and navigate parenting challenges with grace.

Final Thoughts and Resources

As we wrapped up our conversation, Mikki offered a powerful message to new mothers: You are not meant to do this alone. She emphasized the importance of seeking support and learning to protect your well-being. Mikki also shared how to access her book and the companion workbook, which provides a practical framework for applying her insights.

To all the mothers out there, remember that you are a rock star. Embrace the journey of motherhood with confidence and know that you have a community here to support you. Subscribe to the podcast, share this episode, and reach out—let's kick it into high gear together. Join me next week for more resources and guidance to help you make the best choices for you and your family during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Until next time, mamas, keep shining bright.

Connect more with Mikki Gardner:

Website: https://mikkigardner.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikkigardner/

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/co-parenting-with-confidence/id1591303883

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